Yum Yum Funyuns

oil painting on masonite board
Natural wood edges
Ready to Hang Varnished and 
Signed on Front and Back
 x 1.6" d 20" h  x 16" w
2 lbs. 2 oz.
Ships free

About this artwork

Funyuns is a cult classic snack food, quips artist Karen Barton. It definitely pairs well with a good movie. The fun and bright bag of onion-flavored rings rest against a pastel green wall while a few lay scattered on the teal countertop. Karen describes her paintings as being of a historical nature. She seeks out subject matter that represents a contemporary culture that also acts as timeless icons. The results are aesthetically pleasing little pieces that offer a freeze-frame of our fast-changing culture and attach to personal memories.

Artist Karen Barton

Karen Barton

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